5 Rue des Suisses, 75014 Paris France

Finance & Operations

Finance & Operations

Are you looking for a solution that centralizes all of your company’s financial data? This is the promise that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance ERP (Enterprise resource planning) keeps.


  • Data system optimization. Integrate all of your financial and operational data on a single medium. Thus, the information of your company is all centralized and in relation to each other. That’s a significant time and productivity saving.
  • Automating. Thanks to an internal data processing flow, but also an external one, actions can be automated. Par exemple, une commande client est traitée de bout en bout, de sa prise en compte à la livraison en passant par le prélèvement en stock et les écritures comptables correspondantes.


  • Data system optimization. Integrate all of your financial and operational data on a single medium. Thus, the information of your company is all centralized and in relation to each other. That’s a significant time and productivity saving.
  • Automating. Thanks to an internal data processing flow, but also an external one, actions can be automated. Par exemple, une commande client est traitée de bout en bout, de sa prise en compte à la livraison en passant par le prélèvement en stock et les écritures comptables correspondantes.

Rely on decision-making tools to optimize your profitability

Facilitate exchanges to reduce financial risks

Deploying Microsoft D365 finance: what are the advantages?

Global visibility: By decompartmentalising the structures created by traditional solutions, the readability of your company's information and financial data is clearer. Now you can anticipate and adopt targeted strategies.

Autonomy: Up-to-date data communicates in real time between your different departments. Depending on their role or level of access to information, your employees process data independently.

Customization: In order to best adapt to your professional activity, the integrated management system is customizable. Our Finance experts will assist you in setting up the solution, guaranteeing a response to your specific needs. In addition, extensions are available, often dedicated to certain sectors of activity.

An efficient, scalable and always up-to-date system

A reliable system: The performance of the Microsoft ecosystem has already proven itself. Moreover, the reputation of its developers makes it a world-renowned publisher.

Scalable: Microsoft ensures a scalable solution, thanks to continuous deliveries of ERP functionalities. By opting for the Cloud configuration, updates are made in real time. Le déploiement auprès de vos utilisateurs demeure donc facilité et accéléré.

Mobility: The solution is multi-support. Your access is from any device equipped with this solution and connected. In other words, you can control the software from your tablet, your smartphone or of course, your computer.